Sports Standings and Scores

Hello @bburwell
Indeed I do see the Team Schedules (may add the other teams so I see all), but unfortunately I do not see the scheduled games.
I digged a bit and it seems I do not have sensor.nfl_red_zone as entity which is needed when I check the code

Furthermore I guess that bit of code in the sensor is for testing purposes - seeing it’s your local HA instance?

Well shoot sorry, yeah my template file would be helpful. Just added it to github and tried to pull some of the sandbox items.

The data that Teamtracker uses is created by the sensor. For example the Washington Commanders play this weekend. So teamtracker uses this data:

- platform: teamtracker
  league_id: NFL
  team_id: WSH
  name: Washington Commanders

to create the sensor sensor.washington_commanders which the teamtracker card uses the data in there to populate the card. This is what my sensor is showing right now.

Guessing you are showing that sensor and the data, but the red_zone isn’t there.
That is why you will see in this thread for those that don’t have the NFL data, they also don’t see any data because HA hits red_zone and errors out.

Try adding the template data and let me know if that works. If it doesn’t check the sensor and let us see what you are seeing.

Indeed that works now!
So all is fine except the Overall page somehow. It does work only for WNBA + NBA and not the rest

Using e.g. sensor.nfl_*_* in dev tools it shows data

Yeah - I noticed that as well but I am not certain why yet. It is pulling the same sensor data as divisional/conference.

I’ll try to glance at it later - maybe something with the flex-table card - not sure

Updated the Sports_US_Professional dashboard on github to fix the overall tab not showing data.

I wasn’t excluding some sensors. Since we are using a wildcard on Overall (NHL/NFL) I missed that I had added team schedules to my sensors so I also had a sensor called sensor.nhl_schedule… as an example and it was trying to parse this which kept it from populating.

I am still hitting a snag with MLB and will look at it later and WNBA when the stats populate.

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Hi there, I’m trying to take this same approach for the Belgan Pro League (Sports Standings and Scores - #177 by kbrown01) and apply it to tennis rankings for both the ATP & WTA (

I successfully tested the approach for the Belgian league so I know that I have everything set-up/installed correctly.

What isn’t working is that my dashboard populates with my two test columns but has 'undefinedundefinedundefined' in each of the two test fields.


I’ve created a rest sensor, which is populating data:

## ATP Rankings
- platform: rest
  scan_interval: 36000
  name: Tennis ATP Ranking
  unique_id: sensor.tennis_atp_ranking
  value_template: "{{ now() }}"
    - rankings

And I have a template sensor (which I do not believe is populating with data):

### Tennis ATP Ranking
  - name: ATP Ranking
    unique_id: sensor.tennis_atp_ranking_list
    state: "{{ now() }}"
      entries: "{{ state_attr('sensor.tennis_atp_ranking','rankings')[0]['ranks'] }}"

And the dashboard code which is pointing at my rest sensor:

      type: custom:flex-table-card
      title: '[[title]]'
        table+: 'padding: 0px; width: 1600px;'
        tbody tr td:first-child: 'width: 5%;'
        tbody tr td:nth-child(2): 'width: 30%;'
        tbody tr td:nth-child(n+3): 'width: 5%;'
        tbody tr:hover: 'background-color: green!important; color:white!important;'
          .: |
            ha-card {
              overflow: auto;
          $: |
            .card-header {
               padding-top: 6px!important;
               padding-bottom: 4px!important;
               font-size: 14px!important;
               line-height: 14px!important;
               font-weight: bold!important;
        include: '[[entity]]'
      sort_by: ranks
        - name: Rank
          data: ranks
          modify: x.current
        - name: Previous
          data: ranks
          modify: x.previous
  - title: Tennis Rankings
    icon: mdi:tennis
    type: panel
    badges: []
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: bpl_settings
          - title: ATP
          - entity: sensor.tennis_atp_ranking

I think I have two problems:

  1. my template sensor isn’t formatted correctly
  2. my dashboard code isn’t parsing the json properly

Would appreciate any help steering me in the right direction.

I am really interested to this project, so please, let me know if you get the solution. I already created the sensor and the dashboard…

@jasonkjennings - your code worked for me but as I have stated I don’t use templates and honestly you don’t need them here. Just pull the data from the sensor.

With that said a couple notes:

  • You can simplify the code by just using the sensor to jump to the level you want.
    For example here is how I wrote your sensor. (As I note earlier in this thread I use individual sensors for each sport so I created a tennis.yaml file to test what you are doing). Here is what is in my tennis.yaml file:
## ATP Rankings
- platform: rest
  scan_interval: 36000
  name: Tennis ATP Ranking
  unique_id: sensor.tennis_atp_ranking
  value_template: "{{ now() }}"
  json_attributes_path: "$.['rankings'][0]"
    - ranks
  • When you create the sensor you are essentially getting the data at that starting point. So I can test that in developers tools:

  • I threw your code into a sandbox dashboard and it came up with the rankings

  • Since I was looking at the sensor anyway I added a couple items for S&G’s so this is what the sandbox looks like now:

Here is the sandbox code if you want it

      type: custom:flex-table-card
      title: '[[title]]'
        table+: 'padding: 0px; width: 1600px;'
        tbody tr td:first-child: 'width: 3%;'
        tbody tr td:nth-child(2): 'width: 3%;'
        tbody tr td:nth-child(3): 'width: 3%;'
        tbody tr td:nth-child(n+4): 'width: 20%;'
        tbody tr:hover: 'background-color: green!important; color:white!important;'
          .: |
            ha-card {
              overflow: auto;
          $: |
            .card-header {
               padding-top: 6px!important;
               padding-bottom: 4px!important;
               font-size: 14px!important;
               line-height: 14px!important;
               font-weight: bold!important;
        include: '[[entity]]'
      sort_by: ranks
        - name: Rank
          data: ranks
          modify: x.current
        - name: Previous
          data: ranks
          modify: x.previous
        - name: Country
          data: ranks
          modify: >-
            '<div>' + (typeof x.athlete.flag !== 'undefined' ? '<img src="' +
            x.athlete.flag + '"
            style="width:20px;height:20px;margin-right:5px;">' : '') +
            x.athlete.flagAltText + '</div>'
        - name: Athlete
          data: ranks
          modify: >-
            '<div>' + (typeof x.athlete.headshot !== 'undefined' ? '<img src="'
            + x.athlete.headshot + '"
            style="width:20px;height:20px;margin-right:5px;">' : '') + 
            x.athlete.displayName + '</div>'
  - title: Tennis Rankings
    icon: mdi:tennis
    type: panel
    badges: []
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: bpl_settings
          - title: ATP
          - entity: sensor.tennis_atp_ranking

Can’t wait to see what you come up when you share your updates!!

Thanks so much for this!

I knew I wasn’t doing something right with parsing the json – having it in the right spot to start makes it much easier.

Thanks again, and yes, I’ll share when I get it completed – going to add tabs to toggle between the men/women’s rankings.

(and thanks for kick-starting the ‘if no flag/headshot’ is available!)

It works great, but it’s really quite impossible to see in mobile view…Is there a way to make the dashboard visible also on mobile?

What isn’t working? Is it that it is too wide and you need to squish it together?

I don’t do a lot on mobile @ehcah does maybe he has some ideas but here a squishier dashboard. You need to play with width: 400px, child widths and what you really want to show. For example you could combine rank/previous into a single column

      type: custom:flex-table-card
      title: '[[title]]'
        table+: 'padding: 0px; width: 400px;'
        tbody tr td:first-child: 'width: 1%;'
        tbody tr td:nth-child(2): 'width: 1%;'
        tbody tr td:nth-child(3): 'width: 10%;'
        tbody tr:hover: 'background-color: green!important; color:white!important;'
          .: |
            ha-card {
              overflow: auto;
          $: |
            .card-header {
               padding-top: 6px!important;
               padding-bottom: 4px!important;
               font-size: 14px!important;
               line-height: 14px!important;
               font-weight: bold!important;
        include: '[[entity]]'
      sort_by: ranks
        - name: Rank
          data: ranks
          modify: x.current
        - name: Previous
          data: ranks
          modify: x.previous
        - name: Athlete
          data: ranks
          modify: >-
            + '<div style="display:flex;align-items:center;">' + (typeof
            x.athlete.headshot !== 'undefined' ? '<img src="' +
            x.athlete.headshot + '"
            style="width:20px;height:20px;margin-right:5px;">' : '') +
            x.athlete.displayName + '</div>' + '<div>' + (typeof x.athlete.flag
            !== 'undefined' ? '(' + '<img src="' + x.athlete.flag + '"
            style="width:20px;height:20px;margin-right:5px;">' +
            x.athlete.flagAltText + ')' : '') + '</div>' + '</div>'
  - title: Tennis Rankings
    icon: mdi:tennis
    type: panel
    badges: []
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: bpl_settings
          - title: ATP
          - entity: sensor.tennis_atp_ranking

Yes, that’s what i mean…
Changing to 400px now is ok with the mobile view… but i will play with the child widths to have the best view also on mobile.
Thanks for you help…

Great. You can also mess around with the images as well.

For example doing this:

        - name: Athlete
          data: ranks
          modify: >-
            + '<div style="display:flex;align-items:center;">' + (typeof
            x.athlete.headshot !== 'undefined' ? '<img src="' +
            x.athlete.headshot + '"
            style="width:40px;height:40px;margin-right:5px;">' : '') +
            x.athlete.displayName + '</div>' + '<div style="background-image:
            url(' + (typeof x.athlete.flag !== 'undefined' ? x.athlete.flag :
            '') + '); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat;
            height: 30px; width: 50px; display: flex; align-items: center;
            justify-content: center;">' + (typeof x.athlete.flag !== 'undefined'
            ? x.athlete.flagAltText : '') + '</div>' + '</div>'

Gives you this:

Ok, i modified the athlete option in the template, but now i get two times the flags as you can see:


And how to change the color of the name of the state?. As you see in some flags is not so clear…

EDIT: my fault… i forgot to delete the country option…

Sure, I am guessing that you have a column named Country in there. Just delete the Country Column.

In the code I posted today you can see that I deleted the Country column and moved that data into the Athlete Column. Combining those to try to free up some real estate for a mobile view.

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