Spotcam Integration

Hi, I am startet with Home Assistant just a few days ago.

Actually I can’t integrate my spotcam camera.

Has anyone an idea how to do this?

Thanks for your help!


There does not appear to be a spotcam component does there?

Yes, empty result.

So, how about you enlighten us as to what you have done to make it work? And why you think it should?

Hi sorry…

I was my question how to do that…

It shouln´t not really be at the components

The spotcam website says it supports IFTTT, so at minimum I suppose you could use that to integrate events from the camera into HA since there’s an IFTTT component in HA you could use.

You’ll have to see if it supports RTSP, MJPEG, or something which would let you use the Generic IP Camera component or the MJPEG Camera component for video.