Hi community.
I’m starting to make Spotify automation and was wondering if I could start a playlist from a specific song.
From this answer and api reference, it is doable by adding an offset value with the track uri.
I’m coming to see if this api extra feature could be added.
LOL. Ya, I got carried away with the custom services.
As for Spotcast, it depends on the device. I can control my Bose SoundTouch device (ST-10, ST-300) Spotify content without Spotcast. The Bose will wake from sleep and start playing Spotify content- don’t have to have an active Spotify Connect Player going, etc. I think that is something Bose does with their API though, versus the SpotifyPlus integration.
I have not tested it with other devices (Sonos, Chromecast, etc), as I do not have any. I have heard from other users that Spotcast is still required for Chromecast devices, as the Spotify Connect Player has to be active or awake on those devices.
Not sure about Sonos - if you have Sonos I would love some feedback on it if you try it out.