Hey Guys. Almost don’t dare to ask, because the whole thing seems so well explained and documented. But I just can’t get past that INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid client problem. Here is what I currently have set up, according to this thread:
Spotify Dev:
Redirect URIs:
started with just one entry: Link to OAuth2 Authorize Callback – My Home Assistant
then came to this thread and as a result, added another entry, so it looks like this:
over on my home assistant instance I have:
Next, over on HA, I add the spotify integration. press add integration, entery spotify and when it shows up, I click on it. A new browser tab opens with the dreaded invalid_client error.
What else do I have to do?
Also, the tab that opens with the error, if I copy paste it’s url address and look for the redirect url, its:
So it fits the one address I have in the spotify application.
(havent used the client secret anywhere so far, I guess that’s for later)
can somebody help?
Edit: I just fooled around more with the url I get on the error tab.
client_id= has my spotify email. So I deleted that and used the client id from the spotify application.
When I use that, I get to the next page for the first time, asking me if I want to link it to my home assistant account. Upon chosing link account, I get to a new error page:
Page Not Found
Looks like you’ve followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn’t exist on this site.