i am trying to make the new Spotify integration to work via the nabu case url. Following the instructions, I set the Spotify dev app call back to the nabu casa
url (replaced the actual with x’s https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.ui.nabu.casa/auth/external/callback
When I check the integration url callback, it has the local IP address sent in the authentication request. How can I force the integration to send the nabu casa url? I don’t use the HTTP integration mentioned in the configuration example for the integration.
Is this possible via nabu casa or do I need to directly expose the HA install to the internet to get this to work?
Is there someone who can help us with this?
I’m experiencing the same issues…
Tried every possible redirect URI without success…
Tried with Nabu Casa, with local IP but nothing seems to work
Heads up, it looks like in the new version you’ll have to go to Settings > General and then change your internal URL to your nabu casa url, then try again.
I also had base url set in config.yaml but it didn’t help until I did the above so it’s probably not necessary
I have attempted to perform all the steps that were listed above…
I have even re-created my Spotify Developer Application completely; updated my new client id + secret; as well as verified that under Settings > General that my external url is listed in both Internal and External - also since it was deprecated; I no longer have http: in my configuration either that might be overriding something.
I am able to access the callback URL; if I attempt to access this; but it shows Invalid URI. Looking at the URL in the address bar is also showing my LOCAL path; instead of external names.
I do not have this listed in my configurations anywhere; why would this still be adding a local URL path into this?
Log into your home assitant through the nabu casa url NOT your local ip.
dashboard -> integration -> add new -> spotify. DONE.
If the redict doesn work and your url looks wrong try replace redirect url in brwoser with your nabu casa url.
The final url should look something like: https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=eb9dfce59secretclientid&redirect_uri=https://whateveryournabucasaurlis.ui.nabu.casa/auth/external/callback?code=SoMe_VeRy_LoNg_ToK3N&scope=user-modify-playback-state,user-read-playback-state,user-read-private,playlist-read-private,playlist-read-collaborative,user-library-read,user-top-read,user-read-playback-position,user-read-recently-played,user-follow-read
i get:
Config flow could not be loaded: 500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble
and sometimes it opens a page and the page has the url something with “my.homeassistant” url in it, and if i change it to my nabucasa one with the /auth/external/callback it works and the spotify now has the app but in HA it doesnt work.
EDIT: Link to OAuth2 Authorize Callback – My Home Assistant is in the URL… but not my NabuCasa URL
If i enter the right one, it just registers at Spotify then the page quits and in HA i get “Error” with an “OK” Button.
Has anyone an idea on how to kill the half integration of my spotify completely and then restart and do it how it should?
All the instructions are based on the configuration.yaml and HA says that since some time it has changed.
Sorry for the vague information, but i need like 30 minutes of trying to get the exact errors again, and restarting HA multiple times.
It’s a shame no one can give a proper explanation of how to fix this. There’s clearly more to it than adding the links in the Spotify developer app. The Link to OAuth2 Authorize Callback – My Home Assistant needs some explanation as to what to actually do there I suspect.