Spotify Lovelace Card

this solve the problem, thanks :+1:

Hello everyone,

Its possible to hide this area?


Off course:

    type: custom:spotify-card
      style: |
        #footer {
          display: none !important;
    hide_warning: false
    hide_top_header: true
    hide_currently_playing: true
    hide_playback_controls: true
    hide_chromecast_devices: false
    hide_connect_devices: true
    display_style: grid
    limit: 8
    grid_covers_per_row: 4
    playlist_type: discover-weekly
    always_play_random_song: true
1 Like

Thanks. for the solution

Hey, I’m using the card for quite some time now. I really love and use it a lot.
My only frustration is that my own playlist don’t show up in lovelace (those created by spotify, like "Release Radar, Discover Weekly, …) are displayed correctly however.

Does anyone have a solution for this?


 type: custom:spotify-card
hide: null
limit: 10
always_play_random_song: true
  - .*Spot
  - .*ELE
  - .*Juh
  - .*Disco
  - .*Your
  - .*Rel
hide_connect_devices: true
spotify_entity: media_player.spotify_117408964
filter_devices: null
playlist_type: default
account: default
grid_show_title: true
grid_covers_per_row: '5'
display_style: list
1 Like

Good point. I hadn’t noticed but I’m seeing this same behavior. It seems like anything created by Spotify is not included in the list. That includes public playlists created by Spotify, and also the themed ones that say “… picked just for you”.

I was also having the problem others mentioned where the playlists won’t load at all. I was curious why just re-creating the card would fix it, so I pulled apart my definition one line at a time until it worked. What I found is that if I have a "limit: " value greater than 18 it will fail to load (not sure if that’s a fixed limit or something related to the number of playlists I have available in my account).

I installed this today.

I cant get it to work, it just says "error the spotify integration must be installed for this component to work… but it is installed and works with all other things

anyone got any tips for me


I got this installed, but I don’t like the device selection, it does not work good on touch or mouse input.
Is it possible to replicate the behaviour, I can hide the selection with CSS. But is it possible to create separate buttons for each device in my network?
Where I can select a device with the button I created and then press a playlist to launch it?
Or is this not possible?