@Daniel_B You must create playlists on that account for them to show up. If you have already, can you look at the playlist request and see if you get any results?
@carlostico You seem to have added the spotify card on the wrong card because the card takes the current URL as the redirect URL. Try with another browser or an incognito window.
Inpsect the results of the https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/playlists?limit=10 call and see if you get any playlists returned. If you need help you can paste the output in https://pastebin.com and send me the link.
Styling of the card is with Spotify style guidelines so it does not follow any theme.
Seems some playlists doesn’t have a default image. If you experience problems with the listing you can follow the issue on github and see if you can provide me with dome more debug output.
I had the same problem but two of my playlists didn’t have a playlist image. After adding the images to the playlists they showed up in my lovelace spotify card.
any one else that needs to authenticate every tiime you reopen the page? it does the same in bothe the phone and chrome on PC. when that is done it works fine again.