SpotifyPlus Card Dashboard

Unfortunately, the SpotifyPlus Card was not designed to handle streaming to multiple devices simultaneously. It was designed to interface with the Spotify Web API, which (in its current state) only streams to 1 device at a time per user account.

The magic that makes it work for Sonos devices is the fact that each Sonos device can be controlled / streamed to independently. Yes, they all use the same Spotify account to access the music catalog, but the actual streaming takes place outside of the Spotify API as the Sonos device is in control at that point. I believe this is why they are marked as “Restricted devices” in the Spotify Web API.

I have no plans to implement multi-streaming support at this time, though I will never say “never”. :smiley:

Thanks for explaining this.

For the moment, I will need to revert back to the full use of the Sonos Card with the HA Spotify integration as single streaming isn’t entirely useful for many scenarios across a household.

Perhaps in future, someone can bridge the excellent work you’ve done to allow for multi room streaming.

Thanks again for all your replies and your hard work on this.

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I’m very much looking forward to this. I always need my mobile to initiate the Spotify session.
Is there a known workaround to keep the Spotify Connect devices active?

What kind of devices do you have? E.g. Bose? Denton? Chromecast?

Still got some issues…

  1. How can I change the font color ? There are devices, but I can’t see them

  1. I want to select a playlist (after I selected a playing device). Then I get this error…


  1. Is it possible to remove the play button, and connect it automaticly ?

I’m using Audiocast M5 and Home Assistant Spotify Addon.
I’m now thinking of running a spotifyd docker, but installation is a little challenge for me.

Which devices would you recommend?

Check out the Themes wiki page for how to change colors; you can use either HA theming options, or card configuration variables to set various colors and font sizes.

Check out the SpotifyPlus integration Always On configuration option for removing the play button and enabling the “always on” behavior (as well as it’s resource usage).

The device not found error sounds like a device is in idle state. What kind of device are you trying to play on? e.g. Sonos? Chromecast? etc

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It is a Sonos …
thanks for the info

Are you referring to the Home Assistant Spotify Connect Addon? If so, I have used that in the past and it seems to work pretty well. The SpotifyPlus integration and SpotifyPlus Card work fine with it. There is some Spotify Connect Addon librespot configuration that needs to be setup though (1 time setup) in order to use it as a Spotify Connect device with SpotifyPlus integration.

I have no experience with the Audiocast M5.

I have also used the spotifyd service as well. The SpotifyPlus integration and SpotifyPlus Card work fine with it. There is some spotifyd librespot configuration that needs to be setup though (1 time setup) in order to use it as a Spotify Connect device with SpotifyPlus integration. Personally, the Spotify Connect Addon is simpler to use IMO as it runs as an HA Addon versus the spotifyd runs as a service. Depends on your setup though.

I have an assortment of devices that I use and test with: Bose Soundtouch, Google Nest, Sonos Ikea Symfonisk.

Hope it helps!

Thank you very much. The link is very helpful!

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is this the color of the font used in devices ?

spc-media-browser-items-color: white

Do I have to add this to my used theme file ? If I change something in my themes file, the moment I restart, everything is gone…

You can add the theme variable to a themes file if you wish, but as you said it will get overwritten when you update HA if you are using a default theme.

You can also use the card configuration option name, and specify it in the card configuration via the “Show Code Editor” (there is no GUI editor for these theme variables). The card configuration option name is specified in brackets next to the theme variable in the themes documentation.

For example:

  • theme variable name = spc-media-browser-items-color
  • card configuration option name = mediaBrowserItemsColor

and the card configuration editor (using Show Code Editor)

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media-browser-items-color: rgb(138,153,119)

this is not working for me …

Use the configuration option name between brackets, exactly as it’s spelled:

mediaBrowserItemsColor: rgb(138,153,119)

The following is from the Configuration Options - Theming Options wiki documentation …

Theming Options

These options control the overall look and feel of the card.

These options are configured manually by clicking on the Show Code Editor button on the card editor form.

Theming variables are documented in the Themes wiki document. Use the Theme Variables index to find the section that you want to style. The wiki documents both the variable name (used in a theming file) and (if applicable) the card configuration option name (used in the card configuration editor) setting. Note that the card configuration option name is listed in brackets (e.g. [configurationOptionName]) next to the theming variable name. Card configuration option values will override theme file variable values if specified in the card configuration.

For example, if you wanted to make the media browser section titles larger, add the following option value to the card configuration:

mediaBrowserSectionTitleFontSize: 2.0rem
mediaBrowserSectionSubTitleFontSize: 1.8rem

Stupid me… Copy paste is never a good idea

Hi Todd,
could you please explain how to setup such a filter? Thanks a lot!!!

Sorry, but I don’t understand your question. What “filter” are you referring to?

Hi Todd. Sorry for the confusion. I mean the linked comment from you on 24th of december:

Sorry. I don’t know how to link it correctly.

I added the UserPresets Filter Section Media capability a few days after your comment.

Make sure you upgrade SpotifyPlus Integration and SpotifyPlus Card to the latest release.

The following card configuration setting documents an example of a user preset that utilizes the filter section functionality. It will display the Playlist Favorites section, and apply filter criteria of “Shannara” to the list of defined playlists.

  - name: My Shannara Playlists
    subtitle: Section Filter
    filter_section: playlistfavorites
    filter_criteria: Shannara
    type: filtersection

Taylor the above to your needs.

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I get this error when I press the play button

There is no active Spotify player, and a default player device was not configured.

this is my card

                                - type: custom:spotifyplus-card
                                  entity: media_player.spotifyplus_oefenzaal
                                  default_device: Oefenzaal
                                  device: Oefenzaal