Sprinkler Component Status

Is there a way to expose the states of the Sprinkler Controller to HA?

I see that in sprinkler.h there are states declared but I don’t know how to call it.

 enum SprinklerState : uint8_t {
   // NOTE: these states are used by both SprinklerValveOperator and Sprinkler (the controller)!
   IDLE,      // system/valve is off
   STARTING,  // system/valve is starting/"half open" -- either pump or valve is on, but the remaining pump/valve is not
   ACTIVE,    // system/valve is running its cycle
   STOPPING,  // system/valve is stopping/"half open" -- either pump or valve is on, but the remaining pump/valve is not
   BYPASS     // used by SprinklerValveOperator to ignore the instance checking pump status