Sprinkler from Ali - experiences?

i’ve just ended my project about building a smart sprinkler with flowmeter.
After that, i found out that on ali there is a sprinkler with also flowmeter and i’m thinking about getting this :slight_smile:
However, i can’t understand if this is something that can be integrated or not (i have skyconnect for Zigbee connectivity)
Any experience?


I bought this one and like it al lot. No flow meter, but has a kill timer so it will only run so long in case your control is lost. Putting a video out on it in a couple of weeks.
https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805201997326.html. And it was on sale for $20 when I bought it.

Please edit your link and remove everything from the question mark on. That is an affiliate link and people generally frown on them from public servers unless you are posting in social catagory.

good point, thanks
sadly for me the flowmeter is mandatory :slight_smile: