Sprinkler System used to pump water resets every 10 mins

I purchased a Sprinkler device that I connected to Tuya, I had to install ‘Xtend Tuya’ to be able to configure the 8 stations, which works well - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006170256463.html

I have setup an automation to turn on a station when the price of my electricity is below $0.10c/kWh and turn off when it is above, this pumps water from a bore into my tanks for irrigation.

Everything fires correctly, but for some reason the stations only run for 10 mins then auto turn off, I tried running the automation every 9 mins thinking it would just start the 10 mins again but it doesn’t it just turns of at 10 mins and then starts again 9 mins later, I could just have it start every 11 mins then it turns off for 1 min and starts again but this would put a lot of pressure on the bore pump turning off and on so frequently and it’s an expensive bit of kit, when the price drops below it will typically stay there for a few hours so I don’t want it turning off and on every 11 minutes.

I want it to just run indefinitely until the condition to turn it off when price is above $0.10c/kWh is met, I’ve played with the ‘Until’ Conditions so it runs until the second automation of the pricing being below $0.10c/kWh fires but no luck.

I really don’t know why it only runs for 10 mins, there is no settings in Tuya for this, the default when you setup an automation in tuya is 10 mins but you can change it, but I’m not using tuya to control it, and HA doesn’t seem to have the same config options.

Any thoughts or help much appreciated. Thanks