SQL Integration not working - SQL Query invalid

Hi all,
I’m trying to get a temperature of a sensor 24 hours ago using SQL Integration, but it doesn’t work.
I’,m getting: SQL Query invalid

Here what filled in:
Name: Temperatura Esterna Ieri
Database URL: empty - default HA DB is Mysql and is ok. Tried using the DB uri as well
Column: state
Select Query:

SELECT * FROM states WHERE entity_id = 'sensor.0x00158d000486dcb3_temperature' AND last_updated BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND NOW() ORDER BY last_updated LIM
IT 1;

Tried even only SELECT * FROM states, nothing.
Unit: tried empty or °C

Ideas why?

Where are you running this statement? phpMyAdmin? If not, I would try that first to make sure you get the results.

Hello @CO_4X4 , I’m getting results testing the query on SQL directly using an SQL Client directly connected to the sql server.
Home Assistant Core 2022.6.1

Hi @CO_4x4 again.
No idea why, refreshing all, now it works. I would like to know, how often will this query executed? Every page refresh of sensors or when?
Thanks, Simon

Hello, I have a database from which I want to read values.

db_url: mysql://homeassistant:[email protected]:3307/arduino_02
column: CzujnikPiecaPalenisko
query: SELECT * FROM czujniki_pieca ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1

I don’t know why but I keep getting the message → SQL Query invalid

please help me, i’m losing my patience

sorry for poor english

Have you tried to connect manually to the MySQL server and execute the query? Does it work?
Cheers, Simon

Hey! Yes, it works fine.

I also tried like this

db_url: mysql://homeassistant:[email protected]:3307/arduino_02
column: CzujnikPiecaPalenisko
query: SELECT "CzujnikPiecaPalenisko" AS temperature FROM "czujniki_pieca" ORDER BY "id" DESC LIMIT 1;

but i still get the message → SQL Query invalid

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Same issue w/ postgresql

SELECT (pg_database_size("homeassistant")/1024/1024) as "db_size"';

works fine in pgAdmin

but fails in the integration menu, w/ and without db url.

Try unsing single quote. Here my setup:
Database URL:
mysql://homeassistant:[email protected]/homeassistant?charset=utf8
Select query:

SELECT * FROM states WHERE entity_id = 'sensor.0x00158d000486dcb3_temperature' AND last_updated BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND NOW() ORDER BY last_updated LIMIT 1


Hope that helps, Simon