For those looking for an quick way to browse/modify the HA database I suggest you take a look at sqlite-web.
I came into contact with it today and it is great for running simple queries on the database.
pip3 install sqlite-web
example command to run it (via ssh/terminal):
sqlite_web -H -p 8088 /home/pi/.homeassistant/home-assistant_v2.db
-H specifies the ip it will listen on
-p specifies the port to use
the last argument is the path to the database
Shut it down again with ctrl-c when you are done.
Just be careful of how you are using it. It has options for read-only mode, and setting a password, but it doesn’t use SSL so the password can be sniffed. If you want to use it somewhere potentially unsafe I recommend you place it behind some software to add encryption.