Squeeze integration: media_player.play_media has stopped working

I recently upgraded from 115.2 to 117.0 (and then 117.2 today). Since the first upgrade, media_player.play_media has stopped working for my Squeezebox integration. I reverted back to 115.2 and everything works fine again.

To rule out a problem with my automation/script, I’ve tried calling the service from the dev tools and it fails there as well.

I checked the release notes and I don’t see anything Squeeze-specific mentioned. No breaking changes either.

I don’t see errors in HA’s logs, nor do I see any errors in the Squeeze server’s logs.

Anyone else running into this issue?

I tried it just now with my Squeezebox Boom, and it worked fine. I’m on 117.2.

@sota Do you use Spotty on your LMS? Playlists are typically the only thing I ever call from play_media.

But when it failed for me, I did try non-Spotify URIs and those failed, too.

I have it installed, but I rarely use it. Usually, when I try to play through it, none of my radios are available. It’s on my (long) list of things I need to sort out.

This morning, I restored to 115.2 and play_media worked fine. Updated the host / OS to current and everything was still good.

Updated HA to 117.2 and play_media stopped working again.

@sota Just confirming - you tested media_player.play_media, not media_player.media_play correct?

The former loads media (track, playlist, album). The latter essentially presses the “play” button.

Same here!

El Grande

You are right - I had used the wrong service :upside_down_face:. However, using media_player.play_media also works fine. I’m running Logitech Media Server Version: 8.0.0 - 1600604030
Screenshot 2020-11-05 080557

@rajlaud has chimed in on my GIT issue.

It looks like PLAYLIST is no longer a supported media_content_id. I’m updating right now to 117.2 to see if switching to music fixes the issue.

UPDATE: switched to music as media_content_id and service calls are working now.

thank you! Works for me too.

best regards,
El Grande

Can anyone tell me why this one fails:

type: button
    service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.stue_ac
      media_content_id: https://p7.p4groupaudio.com/P07_MH
      media_content_type: music
entity: media_player.stue_ac

If I enter this in the Developer Tool Service tab, just like @sota did, it works fine. But in a buton card, it fails. Please help.