Squeezebox plugin does not work well with authentication

I’ve been experimenting with HA and my squeezebox server. Initially when I configured it the server had authentication turned on and I entered the username and password in my configuration. This resulted in media player cards being created for my players but with no information, all it said was “Unknown”. After talking with a guy on Reddit, I tried turning authentication off on the server and removing the username and password configuration and everything works great.

Is there any known way to get this to work with authentication turned on? I access my squeezebox server from outside and can’t leave it open. Since it finds my players and is even able to turn them on and off, it seems that the authentication is working somewhat.

I looked at the code and the problem was easy to see. It seems that it uses authentication when doing a query but not when it checks player status. The following is a diff that fixes this. Unfortunately it still does not show cover art. This is because it looks like there is a method to get the URL for the art but i’m guessing the code that uses the URL does not try to do any authentication.

*** squeezebox.py.orig	2016-09-06 19:49:36.082088806 -0400
--- squeezebox.py	2016-09-06 19:50:11.121791214 -0400
*** 128,133 ****
--- 128,138 ----
          tags = 'adK'
          new_status = {}
          telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(self.host, self.port)
+         if self._username and self._password:
+             telnet.write('login {username} {password}\n'.format(
+                 username=self._username,
+                 password=self._password).encode('UTF-8'))
+             telnet.read_until(b'\n', timeout=3)
          telnet.write('{player} status - 1 tags:{tags}\n'.format(