SRT321 set point jumped up all by itself

This morning, at 01:28 to be precise, the set point for my heating thermostat jumped from 14 to 26.5 and I have no idea why.

There are no automations that interact with the thermostat. It’s associated with the actual heating switch (horstmann receiver) so I only use home assistant to remotely change the set point myself.

Annoyingly by the time we were woken by everything being far too warm, the zwave log had already dropped anything from that time so I don’t know if this is a fault with the thermostat or whether it received a set point command from HA.

I know this is a fairly popular thermostat, anyone else experienced this sort of issue?

What has just occurred to me is the unexpected high set point was 26.5 - it isn’t possible to set .5 degree on the thermostat which makes me suspect this was triggered by HA. I have no explanation for this.

Well, as is so often the case, the answer is simple. I’d misread the time, hence thought this set point change had occurred later than it actually had.

Turns out I’d just knocked the setting in the HA app. Which does highlight a problem. The new thermostat card is something of a liability. But there we are.