SSAM Garbage collection day sensors (Sweden)

For residents in south of Småland where the company SSAM - Södra Smålands Avfall och Miljö is operating.

You can use this template/package to retrieve the collection days for your bins.
It is based on standard rest sensor for bin 1 and one template sensor for showing bin 2 separately.

The sensor will be updated once every 12h and with one call for both bins, this will not cause any heavy workload on SSAM servers.

It will create two datetime sensors which can be used for automation and push alerts for reminder.

You will find the package and instructions here:

Good luck Smålänningar!

Does the sensor just return a Y-m-d format?
In that case you can probably simplify you yaml.
Either by triggering on:

{{ "2022-08-24" | as_datetime - timedelta(hours = 6) }}

or the condition:

{{ ("2022-08-24" | as_datetime - timedelta(days = 1)).date() == now().date() }}