hey so I’m trying to figure out how to send an ssh command to my iPad to unlock when a motion sensor is triggered, i can send this command “activator send libactivator.lockscreen.dismiss” from terminal on my mac and it unlocks but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to do this with a locked down hass.io i’ve hooked it up to a monitor and ssh isn’t even a optional command. If anyone has any ideas or seen any way to unlock an ipad some other way?
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Pretty sure hassio has ssh
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So yes you were right it does have it and work for some reason with the add-on i just assumed it didn’t. So i have logged ssh’ed into hassio and then followed the instruction on https://www.tecmint.com/ssh-passwordless-login-using-ssh-keygen-in-5-easy-steps/ and can now push the command ssh root@[ipaddress] activator send libactivator.lockscreen.dismiss and not need any authentication. Now what i need help with is turning this command into an automation.
i tried using shell command
Unlock_ipad: ssh root@[ipaddress] activator send libactivator.lockscreen.dismiss
but that doesn’t seem to work when called. Any ideas?
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which addon?
What does your log show?