SSH Help and Sudo apt get

Hi there rightly or wrongly i though Hassio’s SSH would let you still access the Rasberry pi for using the likes of Sudo apt get etc. I take it that this is not the case. Therefore can i install Hassio on the rasberry pi but say inside docker or turn the the rasberry pi into a VM so i can still do sudo apt get is this possible

I don’t fully understand your question, but if you’re asking what I think you’re asking (how to get access to SSH?), then I will do my best, while hoping someone else can jump in and assist.

The official doc has instructions how to install Hassio as a VM. In that post, look for the link to instructions how to enable SSH access to your pi. SSH access

From there, once you have Hassio installed as a VM, and after proper configuration, you should be able to add the SSH add-on and it’s party time. This is assuming that is what you are asking.

I have managd to get SSH working on Hass IO what i am trying to say is i want to be able to use Sudo apt get commands but using the hassio image file i understand well belevie that this cant be done. in order to use commands like sudo apt get, would it be best to set Hassio up on the rasberry pi as a virtual machine thus still allowing me access to the core raspi software