SSH Server won't start

New to HA. About every guide starts using command line stuff. So I’m a little amazed that it’s such a hassle to get a normal SSH prompt. This should be enabled by default.

Anyways, I’ve downloaded the recommended Home assistant for the pi4. Updated the OS and HA (3.10).I’ve installed SSH server. But I cannot start it, when I try to start it, some fluff on the console that eht0 has been renamed, and that the renamed device has left promiscuous mode, something with IP tables. But no SSH server.

I’ve already tried to uninstall/install the plugin. I found some guide saying that I can use portainer to get it going. Well, kinda sucks that portainer also doesn’t start…

Nothing relevant in the HA log’s. And the system logs… well… I need SSH access for that… chicken/egg problem.

I’m totally stuck now with HA, , cannot install my certificate…

I’ve found a second log, under super visor, not under logbook;

20-02-11 17:45:15 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons] Add-on ‘core_ssh’ successfully installed
20-02-11 17:45:20 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Updated Home Assistant API token
20-02-11 17:45:20 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.ingress] Update Ingress as panel for core_ssh
20-02-11 17:45:28 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on homeassistant/armv7-addon-ssh with version 8.2
20-02-11 17:45:49 INFO (SyncWorker_17) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean addon_core_ssh application
20-02-11 17:45:53 INFO (SyncWorker_17) [hassio.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on homeassistant/armv7-addon-ssh with version 8.2
20-02-11 18:01:21 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean addon_core_ssh application
20-02-11 18:01:23 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [hassio.docker.addon] Start Docker add-on homeassistant/armv7-addon-ssh with version 8.2
20-02-11 18:01:31 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.ingress] Ingress error: Cannot connect to host some_ip:8099 ssl:None [Host is unreachable]

It was. And it was a massive security risk for people who didn’t know what their router upnp setting did.

No you don’t. You found it under the supervisor system tab.

There’s also a log at the bottom of the ssh addon page.

In the add-on configurations panel (the one specifically for this add-on) change the log level to ‘debug’ and then restart your add-on. You’ll get more detailed information in the log file.

log_level: debug

Thanks Fred, I’ll try that