Ssh shutdown remotely linux machine (It works BUT)

I created the switch:

  - platform: wake_on_lan
    mac: 00:25:64:ZZ:XX:YY
    name: Zara Desktop
      service: shell_command.shutdown_zara_desktop

and the shell command:
shutdown_zara_desktop: ssh [email protected] "sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now"

and it works but I get this on the log on my HA:

2021-06-15 21:03:19 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.shell_command] Error running command: ssh [email protected] "sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now", return code: 255
NoneType: None

What does it mean?
How I can rid of this ?


It means the remote connection was closed (to ssh it seems unexpected). So, nothing really to worry about. Nothing you can do about it.

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