SSH & web terminal scripts to control a pie

Hi, noob here, i have a HA and want to control a pie running raspbian. I created 3 scripts: 1)Open a web page, 2)Close chromium, 3)Shutdown the pie

But each time i run the Open web page, the other scripts dont work until i manually close the web page but the code works on the SSH terminal, any ideas? heres the code

You may need to start the process in the background like:

      input: >-
        ssh [email protected] 'chromium-browser --display=:0 --kiosk
        --window-position=0,0 &'

Thanks for the reply, sadly it didnt work out.

Just putting chromium in the background is not enough. The process is still attached to the shell, so it won’t return after launching (and likely error in a timeout, check the logs).

You have to nohup it, additionally.

Thanks for all the help!!, i can successfully run the SAME commands on the Openweb, BUT when i run the scripts with the commands thats when script “close” and “shutdown” dont work

Can you send me an example of nohup?, im 100% noob on this and got an error when running this:

'chromium-browser --display=:0 --window-position=0,0
--nohup &' nohup