SSH with Home Assistant OS


Please excuse the fact I know I am posting about something there are already multiple threads about, but I am a little stumped and I think this crosses two topics. Also, I am new to HA; new Pi 4 build imaged with Home Assistant OS, with RaspBee II and Z-Wave dongle.

I have SSH working for both the software install (22) and the supervisor (22222), however when I “login” to the supervisor I don’t get the usual functions (such as sudo, apt-get) because I read they are not available to the Home Assistant OS image install method.

I want to get Bluetooth Tracker LE, and a couple of other add-ons working but I don’t see how I can do so when I am unable to run the commands needed and install the additional packages required.

Am I stuck and I don’t know what options I have, aside from restarting and dockerising HASS.IO on top of a Debian install on my PI 4.

Any helpful suggestions, or pointing to links (I have already read loads of threads but I may have missed key ones or even posts within them) are welcome.

You don’t need those commands, you don’t need to install anything, and even if you could install those things it wouldn’t help :wink: HA runs in a Docker container, so installing packages on the host does nothing.

On your install method (or any Docker based install), integrations work without any package installs.

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Thank you, I just added the Bluetooth LE tracker to my config and it appears to be tracking devices which I define.

I do have another issue, I setup LetsEncrypt SSL and it succesfully created the certificates. However I can’t get external access working even once forwarded through my firewall, if I disable SSL it works find. This is my config:

email: [email protected]
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
challenge: http
dns: {}

Update http to use the certificate and key, run a command line config check, and if it passes restart Home Assistant.

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