SSL Certificate Condifuration Mosquitto

Hi *, tying to get Mosquitto running with SSL. In the Mosquitto Add on configuration, I fill out the fields as follows:

The two certificates (self signed) I have uploaded to

/config/ssl with the file extension. Ist that the correct location (the documentation jus talks about the ssl folder but not the absoloute path).

Then, if I restart msquitto, the log file still says
[12:48:35] INFO: SSL is not enabled

So my questions are:

  1. is the ssl folder location /config/ssl correct ?
  2. what does it need to enable encryption

So then I tried to modify the custom config accoriding the documentation:

logins: []
  active: true
  folder: mosquitto
certfile: full-chain.pem
keyfile: mq-server-private.pem
require_certificate: true

I get the following error message:
Failed to save add-on configuration, Missing option ‘folder’ in customize in Mosquitto broker (core_mosquitto). Got {‘logins’: [], ‘require_certificate’: True, ‘certfile’: ‘full-chain.pem’, ‘keyfile’: ‘mq-server-private.pem’, ‘customize’: {‘logins’: [], ‘customize’: {‘active’: True, ‘folder’: ‘mosquitto’}, ‘certfile’: ‘full-chain.pem’, ‘keyfile’: ‘mq-server-private.pem’, ‘require_certificate’: True}}

Seems like I missed something out ?