Woke up to yet another failed integration – this time Emporia Vue.
Logger: urllib3.connection
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/urllib3/connection.py:547
First occurred: February 6, 2024 at 7:27:54 PM (1063 occurrences)
Last logged: 5:15:59 AM
* Certificate did not match expected hostname: cognito-idp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com. Certificate: {'subject': ((('commonName', 'optimusprime.elbo.ai'),),), 'issuer': ((('countryName', 'US'),), (('organizationName', 'Amazon'),), (('commonName', 'Amazon RSA 2048 M01'),)), 'version': 3, 'serialNumber': '082FA5E4F3E49323A21D435EC0C3C12E', 'notBefore': 'Sep 27 00:00:00 2023 GMT', 'notAfter': 'Oct 26 23:59:59 2024 GMT', 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', 'optimusprime.elbo.ai'),), 'OCSP': ('http://ocsp.r2m01.amazontrust.com',), 'caIssuers': ('http://crt.r2m01.amazontrust.com/r2m01.cer',), 'crlDistributionPoints': ('http://crl.r2m01.amazontrust.com/r2m01.crl',)}
* Certificate did not match expected hostname: cognito-idp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com. Certificate: {'subject': ((('commonName', '*.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com'),),), 'issuer': ((('countryName', 'US'),), (('organizationName', 'Amazon'),), (('commonName', 'Amazon RSA 2048 M01'),)), 'version': 3, 'serialNumber': '05706CA5BFEA90C24BAE6732A0863CEE', 'notBefore': 'Apr 6 00:00:00 2023 GMT', 'notAfter': 'Apr 21 23:59:59 2024 GMT', 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', '*.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com'),), 'OCSP': ('http://ocsp.r2m01.amazontrust.com',), 'caIssuers': ('http://crt.r2m01.amazontrust.com/r2m01.cer',), 'crlDistributionPoints': ('http://crl.r2m01.amazontrust.com/r2m01.crl',)}
* Certificate did not match expected hostname: cognito-idp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com. Certificate: {'subject': ((('commonName', '*.duclo.ai'),),), 'issuer': ((('countryName', 'GB'),), (('stateOrProvinceName', 'Greater Manchester'),), (('localityName', 'Salford'),), (('organizationName', 'Sectigo Limited'),), (('commonName', 'Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA'),)), 'version': 3, 'serialNumber': '68CE5E9A79C137D2D8805F55BE100B0C', 'notBefore': 'Feb 24 00:00:00 2023 GMT', 'notAfter': 'Mar 26 23:59:59 2024 GMT', 'subjectAltName': (('DNS', '*.duclo.ai'), ('DNS', 'duclo.ai')), 'OCSP': ('http://ocsp.sectigo.com',), 'caIssuers': ('http://crt.sectigo.com/SectigoRSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt',)}
It seems several times per week something fails in HA.
I’m running Proxmox 8.1.3 with HA 2023.12.3 (had to downgrade because the 2024.x versions failed other integrations).
Trying to go down any troubleshooting path that could make sense, I checked the system time. HA is set to the correct time zone and the VM is using Chrony to get the correct time.
Anyone have any suggestions on what I can try?
Thank you.