Ssl certificate installation

I would like to set up DuckDns .before that some one help me how to install SSL Certificate on Home Assistant.

What are you trying to do? I suspect you don’t want to install a LetsEncrypt SSL certificate in HA as you will then need to always access it by the external DNS.

If you want to have external access then I would suggest setting up an nginx reverse proxy. Setup the SSL certificate for your DuckDNS there and have it proxy through to your HA instance. You will still be able to access your HA instance locally (not over SSL).

I actually have it both ways where I have external access via an nginx proxy (with a LetsEncrypt certificate) and I also have SSL setup on my HA instance itself using my own Certificate Authority. I don’t recommend you go down this route unless you know what you are doing but you just need to add the following to your configuration.yaml

  ssl_certificate: /config/ha.cert.pem                                                          
  ssl_key: /config/ha.key.pem     

Dear Jameson .
Thanks for your support .
I have successfully done with nginx reverse proxy .
Now I am able to access localy with local addres and duckdns address with cloud also .
And I have configured my own domain name also with cloud flare instead of duck DNS .
Now both also working well .

If you possible to provide me the instructions for how to create own certificate .
For my knowledge in future reference .
Thank you
is a good starting point. I have tweaked this for a few things including Subject Alternate Name which is necessary now in some browsers