I’m new to HA and I’m looking for a guide or suggestion to setup https over HA OS. Because I’m already using CloudFlare for my own domain and updating the IP change for my connection (I’m using other services in my homelab).
The best choice would be using let’s encrypt. Because I’m new to HA I need some hint in order to do it properly.
There is a LetsEncrypt add-on which may do what you want. However I believe CloudFlare provide certificates, have you considered just using the ones they provide.
I’m just running Nginx Proxy Manager on my Proxmox server, and using the DNS challenge option (Cloudflare) for LetsEncrypt - I can then just get a Wildcard certificate for my entire domain.
I installed Let’sencrypt add on and everything works well.
Cloudflare provides only *.mydomain.com certificates in the free plan. Of course I could use this, but I like to have home.mydomain.com