SSL Certification setup

I’m new to home assistant and trying to get SSL setup.

My network:

  1. pfsense firewall/router with (a) OpenVPN server - I can VPN into my network and (b) Certificate Manager. Using the Cert manager, I have established a CA and issue server certificates.
  2. I use DynDNS…Although my current plan is to always VPN into the network to access HA thus probably do not need to make much use of DynDNS or DuckDNS.
  3. running on a Hyper-V VM

Thus, I do not want to use DuckDNS and Let’s Encrypt. I want to issue a server certificate from my pfSense CA and install it on home assistant to enable SSL.

Any suggestions of how to install? My Linux knowledge is rusty. Not familiar with how it stores/handles certs.

I signed up for Home Assistant cloud and it installs some sort of security related to this (not sure exactly what). But again I want to use my CA.