SSR (Solid State Relay) and Wemos D1 mini

I’m planning a motion-based, under the bed lightning using an SSR and a LED strip. I’d like to use the solid-state relays since they do not produce any noise when switching (use case: you wake up at night to get a glass of water)

Based on this thread SSR (solid state relay) Switch Not Closing on GPIO Trigger, I’m assuming this would work, what do you think? (Note: this is just the relay on/off led strip PSU part).

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LGTM :+1: :ok_hand:

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Can this not be simplified using a 5volt LED strip and configuring like so… Monochromatic Light — ESPHome. You get the advantage of having brightness control.

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Easier might be to keep the 12V strip but instead of the solid state relay use a mosfet (board). That way you have brightness control :bulb:

These little (cheap) blue boards a virtually plug’n’play (after soldering some header pins):



one more great solution (if one is really lazy like me :stuck_out_tongue: ) is such a board here:


Doesn’t cost a fortune and makes the extra power supply for the esp obsolete :+1:

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Will try this approach. Thx

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I tried and confirmed the wiring diagram I originally posted works with the SSR. Now I need to optimize it.

Since the LED strip is not RGB, I just can switch it on/off, but, I can have only one PSU to power both the LED strip when needed, and use a step-down regulator to provide 5v to the ESP module.

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Tried with a similar board and it is not working Controlling a 5050 Led strip with ESP8266 and PWM module

I’ll try to get one of those blue ones and give it a try :+1:

This one worked!