Stable-Diffusion with home assistant

I have been messing around with a Nvidia Jetson Orin, and i am loving what Ollama can do for home assistant, and i am getting more and more ideas.

I have however just set up a Stable-Diffusion container for image generation which has an API. I am surprised i cannot find an integration for it.

does anyone know if this is already possible? or will i need to look at authoring a plugin?

I am a dev but my background is C# .NET and haven’t done a home assistant plugin before so lots to learn if so :slight_smile:


I look forward to the day I can ask my home assistant to draw me a picture of itself

was just thinking this would be cool, yep havent found anything, I get the following info for polen in the air. that would be cool to display as an image in HA, weather would be another cool thing!

this is the propt:
can you create a super realistic image of the following pollen information, being carful to depict the correct follage and trees

and this is our info in home assistant:
“Pollen from cypress trees and yellow wattle are flowering now but very large pollen grains from wattle means it’s only significant locally.”

gives me: