Stack-In-Card: Drop-in replacement for vertical-stack-in-card

Hi, thank you for you for that tip: it’s a good one! :+1:
This is what I get:

I see.
Consequences of “modern & shiny” border UI from HA 2022.11.
Try using this.

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Thank you very much, that was it!!! :bowing_man:

The text is truncated by an inner card, not by stack-in-card.

Posting long code will not help you.
What MAY help you - replacing stack-in-card with a standard stack since it may point you a direction.

It may help.
Someone who knows more than me may see it and want to help.

That should have been YOUR intention to test with a super simple case first - standard stack with button card with simple styles - and then increase complexity slowly.

Anybody having enough knowledge about styles to help minimising the size and place of the title. I would like the title to be in smaller text and super close to the actual cards below. To minimize the total size of the card.


Is it just me or is anyone else having issues with the stack-in-card after 2024.3 HA core update? It seems to me that some changes were made that messed up the layout. The stack-in-card now has a gap of 8px just like the HA native stack cards. I know it seems like a long shot, but can there be something done about it? I use it quite a lot in my setup.

A simple rule: if you observe smth unusual with a custom card , check “issues” in a corr. repo.
In this particular case there is a registered issue.

I didn’t think there will be any new issues opened as it is no longer maintained.