Standard HASSIO - waether - todays min/max temp

Hi there,

i am trying to do control my heating via weather prediction. So far so good.

I need a min/max Temperature of TODAY, to calc the todays temp span and switch my heating to lower heating temp, if a the actual temp is below the middle of the temp span, and switch it to a higher heating temp, if the actual outside temp is above the calculated middle of the temp span.

in formula for templating:

{% set act_temp = state_attr('weather.home', 'temperature') %}
{% set low_temp = state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast').0.templow %} // this is for tomorrow, but i need it for today!!!
{% set high_temp = state_attr('weather.home', 'forecast').0.temperature %} // this is for tomorrow, but i need it for today!!!

Can someone tell me, what exacly i have to do?
openweather and yr are not in the “standard” hassio integration platform, so is there a way to get my actual min/max temp of TODAY?


Roland Cloos

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