Standard way to share device make/model as a sensor?

Is there a standard way with ESPHome to share a device’s make and model (ex. “Shelly 1” or “Gosund SW1”) as sensors so that Home Assistant uses them instead of displaying “esp01_1m by espressif” in “Device info” for a Home Assistant Device?

I completely understand that it would be values that I have to hardcode myself when programming the firmware, so this is a question about how to share the values in a standard sensor that HA looks for, similar to how some ESPHome platforms like version, uptime and wifi_signal are grouped as “Diagnostic” info of an HA device.

  devicename: superplug
  upper_devicename: Super Plug
  device_make: Gosund
  device_model: SW1

  - platform: template
    name: "${upper_devicename} Make"
    lambda: return {"${device_make}"};
    icon: 'mdi:watermark'
    entity_category: diagnostic

  - platform: template
    name: "${upper_devicename} Model"
    lambda: return {"${device_model}"};
    icon: 'mdi:tag'
    entity_category: diagnostic

I do this by using the project like follows:

  name: "${device_name}"
    name: Gosund.WP3
    version: "1.0" 

Which displays like this in HA:
Screenshot 2024-07-22 054907