Start a spofify playlist without the app


I’m trying to play specific spotify playlist to a RPi with Volumio installed on it, and a ikea tradfri remote control with this code :

alias: evening Jules playlist
  platform: event
  event_type: deconz_event
    event: 5002
    id: tradfri_remote_control_ch_jules
  - service: media_player.select_source
    entity_id: media_player.spotify_pasoad
      source: Volumiojules_3
  - service: media_player.play_media
    entity_id: media_player.spotify_pasoad
      media_content_type: playlist
      media_content_id: !secret spotify_jules_playlist

The thing is, the automation only works if i’m using spotify on my phone or my computer when i press the remote control buttun… otherwise, nothing happens until i launch the app from a device and click on “play with volumio”.

Anybody know’s how to configure that ?

Thanks by advance :slight_smile:

Hi, I´m trying to do the same thing and have encountered the same problem.
( Making a jukebox for my daughter)
Did you come up with a solution to this?


Nope, i didn’t triedto make it works since unfortunately …

But maybe we can figure it out together if you want…

What did you already try?