Start script by tap something in Lovelace card

I’ve created a nice working heating automation, but I also want the possibility to override it temporarily by set a temperature manually in the thermostat card(s).

The automation has a input_boolean checker. I’ve created a script which set the boolean for half an hour to “on” so the automation stops in that time.

Now I’m looking for a way to trigger that script when something in the card is changed by manual “hands on”. I know there are trigger events with templates and so on, but I got no clue!!!
Maybe if the set_temperature is changed not from the automation?
Please, can somebody push me in the right direction?

Scripts are services. So as an example:

type: button
entity: script.your_script_here
icon: mdi:whatever
  action: call-service
  service: script.your_script_here

Yes, I know the tap_action, but it don’t work with a thermostat-card. And an extra button which have to be clicked before the manual temperature is set is not very wife-friendly…