Start Spotify Playlist through a Roku

I have an LG TV with a Roku Streaming Stick on HDMI 1. I can turn the TV on, I can switch to HDMI 1, and I can change the Roku input to Spotify. But I can’t seem to get Spotify to respond to a playlist request. The media player is actually the Roku, so are the media player commands going to the Roku and not to Spotify? If so, how to I get commands through to Spotify?

This is the service I am trying to call (After Spotify has been successfully started on the Roku):

entity_id: media_player.roku_streaming_stick
media_content_id: 'spotify:playlist:1dUfH0b38dD6oLC5VpzCk5'
media_content_type: playlist

Did you ever find a solution or workaround on this? I am trying to achieve the exact same thing and can’t seem to find any way of making it work.


Yes, I skipped the Roku integration altogether. I just use the Spotify integration. I turn on the TV with the webostv integration, set it to HDMI1 input, then I tell the Spotify media player to play on the roku device, which it already knows about. Works fine. Only issue is I can’t seem to control the volume.

Got it, thank you, I think I am headed in a similar direction.