I have a 455 KHz IR receiver, which I’ve connected to an ESP32 running ESPHome. I can read the values pretty clearly, if I cover the IR receiver with something (to stop the jittering).
I now want to get the remote into HA using the raw values, so I did something like this:
- platform: remote_receiver
name: "Beo4"
[209, -2919, 209, -2919, 206, -15431, 209, -2919, 206, -6049, 209, -6046, 209, -6046, 209, -6046, 207, -6048, 207, -6047, 208, -6049, 208, -9174, 209, -2919, 209, -6046, 209, -9173, 209, -6047, 208, -2919, 211, -9172, 209, -2918, 211, -9172, 209, -12301, 392, -966, 12, -13819, 12, -4741, 12, -20, 20, -98, 31, -160, 160, -841, 17, -96]
However, I see absolutely nothing changing in HA. I tried with and without a 200ms delayed_off.
I also desoldered and soldered a new 455 KHz IR receiver onto an old BroadLink RM Pro, and I was able to capture this:
IR Infrared Learning mode is enabled.
OnRawData : 26003400085E085F070001FA066007C607C607C608C507C607C607C805C706F30438095F07C507C607C607C607C607C60700019307000D0500000000
Can I use that for anything in ESPHome?
All I want is if I press “OK” on the remote, I want to trigger something in Home Assistant. If I press VOL_UP, I also want to trigger something. Essentially make a “dumb universal remote”.