Ok I feel like a total noob here but I am not getting anywhere.
I have just installed twice or thrice the most current version of HA - currently 3.7.1 core 2021-6.6 on a RPi4.
I need to move this Pi between two places with some frequency, and keeping it connected via a cable is not an option at one of these places. I would like to just input, to start, just one wifi configuration so that I can use HA at the place where I cannot use a cable.
Secondarily, to be able to specify more wifi networks configurations and forego the cable altogether. Just like I’d do on a linux system with wpa_supplicant.conf.
Unfortunately so far I have not been able to do so. I found a lot of tutorials (such as this one: Beginner's Guide to Home Assistant | JuanMTech ) where I am supposed to create a CONFIG/network folder, then put an extensionless file into it with linux-like endings and a specific format for configuration. Did that just after flashing the card and before first run/install, tried it via file editor after first run and configuration (while using a cable), no luck whatsoever.
It seems to me that an user friendly system like HA should have a way during onboarding to specify the WiFi networks, possibly even before. This is where the noobness feeling is showing up, am I missing something really simple? I activated the advanced options in my admin profile - I see no difference.
I’m not sure I’m reading your post correctly but it seems you first installed and after boot you want to specify the WiFi in onboarding?
How are you supposed to get to onboarding with no connection?
I have never tried to use WiFi on HA, but as far as I remember you need to add the wifi before you start HA.
I’m a bit unsure if that is what you did or not when you write “via file editor”, that sounds like file editor in HA, or perhaps I’m misunderstanding.
I did the onboarding using a cable. Then I tried anywhere to specify WiFi credentials, and didn’t find where.
Then I went googling for how to do it, and found tutorials instructing me to create this CONFIG/network file etc etc. I tried that method both just after writing the HA image before running it for the first time, AND after doing onboarding with an ethernet cable, using the web based file editor add-on. Of course I have rebooted the Pi; in both cases, I had no success.
Now I seem I have found something here http://homeassistant.local:8123/hassio/system on the IP address section, but even after enabling the wlan0 as static, and selecting an access point … nothing really. no place where to put the credentials.
And yes,I think it’d be great to be able to specify the credentials either via a file on the SD card (like when you copy the wpa_supplicant.conf and ssh files for a headless installation of Raspberry Pi OS), or to at least permit to specify wifi networks during (ethernet cable) onboarding , like Windows does when setting up a machine.
If HA OS doesn’t allow what you want (Or you can’t figure out how to do it) you could always use HA Supervised or even HA Container so you have (mostly…) full control over the underlying OS.
Hi, yes, I switched to the IOTStack version of it and configuring it all via WiFi… It’s a pity because of all the unnecessary overhead and it will not detect the UPNP router, but at least I get the WiFi.
Do you use special characters like ‘’ in your WiFi-Password?
I got the same problems and therefore had to setup the WLAN via NMCLI while LAN-Connection was established
Because a friend last week had no success too, I gave it another try on another Raspberry Pi3 and it worked
I had to mask my ‘\’ in the WLAN-Password with one more ‘\’ so it looks like ‘\\’. I cannot attach a RAR archive.
After editing your WiFi credentials, it should work. I tried it two times right after flashing the current 32 Bit image.