Starting out - Help me work out what to buy

I have a broadlink IR blaster to turn on my AC. I have some google home mini, a few smart sockets, air purifier. I have a 2 storey home.

I have an internal wifi xiaomi security cam coming. They take 2 months from aliex. Not sure what app it uses. But I don’t need the smart part, just the recordings when I need it.

What I would like to do (sometime):

  • temp sensors to add automation to the AC
  • water sensor for washing machine
  • door open sensor for security
  • doorbell/intercom with voice

What I saw was that much of that is better with zigbee, as the sensors would last a year no 3mth.

Initially I saw the xiaomi ecosystem. Then I saw the weird stuff with China servers, I wasn’t sure.
I found out about ZHA and zigbee2mqtt. I thought I’d get the xiaomi sensors and do this.

I ordered pre-flashed CC2531 (from Sonoff) and a RPi zero. Arriving in a week I guess.

Looking further, I found all my wifi smarts can work on tuya smart life, but for the IR.

I saw that xiaomi doesn’t do proper zigbee. Initially I thought I would seed the house with xiaomi zigbee smart plugs as repeaters. ZHA doesn’t work with most xiaomi ecosystem. zigbee2mqtt seems OK tho.

So I guess my question is now, what should I do?

  1. Xiaomi
    Assume I can get CC2531 + RPi zero working with HA+zigbee2mqtt. (seems they don’t recommend Rpi zero, so may not work)
    Order a bunch of zigbee smart plugs. Order X sensors. plugs repeat zigbee signal to upstairs etc.
    If it fails, order a xiaomi hub, and works crap. $40
    Or buy a conbee II and RPi 4, $200

Xiaomi doorbells sound like they have huge lags with China sensor, and not sure if it works with HA.

  1. Tuya
    Get tuya zigbee sensors. Get it working with HA+zigbee2mqtt.
    Will Xiaomi zigbee smart plugs work with this environment? Tuya zigbee smart plugs don’t exist in AU form (Type I). I don’t want to buy just a repeater that takes space
    If it fails, order a tuya hub, and all works in the tuya smart life app. $30

Haven’t looked at tuya doorbells. Harder to find reviews, since everything is compatible 3rd party?
Again not sure about servers & HA.

Don’t buy a cc2531. They are limited in number of devices and range. See this thread for better devices "Zzh!" (short for "Zig-a-zig-ah!") open-source hardware licensed Zigbee USB-stick based on TI CC2652R

Use it with zigbee2mqtt, Xiaomi zigbee devices work fine.

I don’t know who says you cannot use a pi zero to run zigbee2mqtt, but you certainly don’t need a pi4 to run zigbee2mqtt.

Well I mean I don’t have HA running yet. So I need another bit of hardware to run it on. Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (2GB)

Certainly, you are right about HA on a pi zero. A Pi4 with an SSD would be a good option. Unless you have an old computer to install on?

You want to connect a few mains-powered Zigbee router devices first to make it a larger Zigbee mesh.

Always-on mains-powered Zigbee routers act as signal repeaters and range extenders.

Suggest buying “IKEA Trådfri Signal Repeater” as dedicated routers that are less tempting to unplug.

CC2531 is a good starter choice if just want to try out Zigbee and are not sure yet if want to go all in.

If upgrade CC2531 to Z-Stack 3 firmware then you can replace it later with a CC2652 with zigpy-znp.

As long as have Z-Stack 3 firmware from the start then can back up and restore to another adapter.

Simplest is probably to upgrade to Z-Stack 3 firmware first before you start connecting any devices.

slaesh now also make an alternative CC2652 USB dongle with support Z-Stack 3 firmware

Slaesh’s device is in the zzh! thread too. And to think, I spent the money on a full cc2652 dev board!

Sonoff ZBBridge hacked with Tasmota zbbridge firmware is also suppose to work great with ZHA: