Starting over with Home Assistant from SmartThings and Google Home

I have four GE ZW3005 z-wave light switches connected to an older SmartThings hub (then to Google Home for voice) - will I still need SmartThings to use these light switches or can I ditch it?

The longer story is I started doing this late 2016 and had a really great start, however, after a couple of the ZW30035’s died within a year, Lowe’s killed off Iris, the Android service I was using to integrate calendar and photos on a large screen was shut down, and IMHO Google’s commitment to fulfilling it’s shiny HA promises seemed lacking, I stepped back from home automation (and a bunch of life changing stuff, bad and good, happened).

I really miss being able to do this with my calendar and google photos.

Z-Wave is a pretty solid standard. I think you’ll find your devices work fine with HA (and a Z-Wave dongle.)

As for the UI, lots of people here have done lots of great things with theirs. Personally, mine is pretty standard and boring, so I can’t help there.

Thanks, I’ll start looking at z-wave dongle. Appreciate it.