State: 76 not matching wanted_state: '76'?

Can any of you tell me why the part circled in blue wouldn’t have resulted in true?

In this I’m testing to see if a light is at a given brightness, and then if so doing something else. I’m looking for a brightness state of 76, which is what the brightness is actually set to, but it’s still returning false.

Code for this is as follows, as produced by the GUI editor:

              - conditions:
                  - condition: state
                    entity_id: light.living_room_tv_lights
                    attribute: brightness
                    state: "76"
                  - condition: state
                    entity_id: light.living_room_behind_couch
                    attribute: brightness
                    state: "76"

And… just after posting this I figured it out. Seems like a bug/quirk in the GUI editor.

Changed the test to this (note the lack of double-quotes) and it matches:

              - conditions:
                  - condition: state
                    entity_id: light.living_room_tv_lights
                    attribute: brightness
                    state: 76
                  - condition: state
                    entity_id: light.living_room_behind_couch
                    attribute: brightness
                    state: 76

I’m guessing it was being tested as a string vs. an integer or something with how the GUI wrote it.