State and graph out of synk?

So how does this happen?
If I look at family link app the phone says 67% and that sounds reasonable since I placed his phone on charge this morning but that is not shown at all on the graph.
It was about 1.5 hours ago since it was placed on charge.

Caching issue?

Or possibly just wait 5 minutes. The pop-up card graphs show 5 minute LTS data (if available) not state data. Click on the “Show more” link in the card, this will take you to the History panel that shows actual state data graphs.

I waited far longer than that.
As I said it was 1.5 hours.
I looked at the history also but it showed the same thing.
I tried to reload the page, I tried CTRL + F5, same thing.
After another hour or so it worked again.