State Change Node - Monitor an Attribute of Entity

I am using the state change node to monitor for a change of an attribute of the weather entity. It seems as though the state change node only ‘monitors’ the actual state and not any of the sub-states in the attributes.

What should I be doing differently to monitor an attribute of a entity for state change? What I am trying to do is that if the outside temperature is over 80*f for 3 min, turn on a ceiling fan.

I was able to string together a trigger state → delay → current state (to check if it is still over 80) to get what I want. But I assume there has to be an simpler way.

Was it over 80? Your sign > was reversed.


State type would be boolean and you would need to uncheck the state = state radio box.

When you are looking at an attribute that box has to be unchecked.

It was the state = state. Thanks.

The state type is fixed by the entity. For the case of weather it is type string.

That refers to the state output type. When setting it to boolean, it sends true or false rather than the actual state. Tbh it’s kinda inconsequential but I figured I’d mention it.

Convert the state of the entity to the selected type. Boolean will be converted to true based on if the string is equal by default to (y|yes|true|on|home|open). Original value stored in

Ah, no way.

Thanks! Learned something new.