Updated to Core 2024.8.0 yesterday, and ever since that, a lot of my entities state history no longer shows up. There doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason behind it. Some are binary sensors, some are input_numbers, some are sensors. I’d say I’ve lost maybe 70% of my state history. When I click on them, they just say “Loading State History…” but nothing ever shows up even after hours of waiting.
I am also having major problems since the update to 2024.8.0. My system became very unstable, slow to load, would lock up, would re-load etc. I tried to restore 2024.7.4 backup and after several attempts it managed to restore. However, Only the core restored to 2024.7.4. The Supervisor is reporting version 2024.8.0. It is still very unstable and becoming unusable - too many issues in the log to go into detail, just about everything is broken or unstable. I’m thinking of doing a fresh install, but this would be a big undertaking and I’ll wait to see if they release a fix for the many issues this is causing.