State-icon vs icon styling

Hi all,
I’d like to ask if there’s any difference in style definition between picture-elements’ state-icon and icon, or bug potentially? I’ve got the following code:

- image: /local/background.jpg
  type: picture-elements
    - type: state-icon
      entity: sensor.ha_update
        '--iron-icon-width': 100px
        '--iron-icon-height': 100px
        top: 50%
        left: 50%
      tap_action: more-info
    - type: state-label
      entity: sensor.ha_update
        top: 90%
        left: 50%

As a result::
which is obviously not OK.
However, when I change the code as follows, with the same style:

       - image: /local/background.jpg
          type: picture-elements
            - type: icon
              icon: mdi:checkbox-marked-circle-outline
                '--iron-icon-width': 100px
                '--iron-icon-height': 100px
                top: 50%
                left: 50%
              tap_action: more-info
            - type: state-label
              entity: sensor.ha_update
                top: 90%
                left: 50%

I’m getting centered icon, which is OK (as a new user I can only attach one picture in post).

Any ideas why? I would like to use state-icon which is following the sensor template state icon change.

The calculation for size may not happen on the fly so it defaults to the upper left corner of the image. Just use 25% and 25% and it should work.

Is it a bug? Maybe. It could be by design, it could be a bug. If you want it fixed, write up the issue. If you just want a working card, use 25% and 25% assuming that the size of your card is 200px x 200px.

Thank you for the reply. Well actually I had had the idea of 25% 25% and other calculations and it kinda helps under certain circumstances, but do not solve the issue for all use cases. For example, if I have a centered state-icon on the card on computer, it drifts left and top on mobile phone. The other interesting thing is that if I remove iron-icon-width and iron-icon-height, the icon is properly centered on all devices but too small.

Then this appears to be an issue with the calculation when a style that adjusts icon size is applied.

So should I open an issue on github for lovelace picture-elements card in your opinion?

I would say so. Also, if you want to get around this, there are plenty of custom cards that do what you are doing. For example, the custom:button-card would handle this.

OK, thanks for your help. I am using button-card as well but we’ll see what developers say on the issue. I prefer to use build-in features over the add-ons when possible.