State-label change color value from entity states?

hi guys, is it possible to change state-label color based from some hex code color i templated before?

im planning to use it at my house plan.

currently i used:

   - type: state-label
     entity: climate.master_bedroom_1pk
     attribute: current_temperature
     suffix: °C
       top: 40%
       left: 82%
       '-webkit-text-stroke': 1px green

here’s my template code:

   - platform: template
         friendly_name: master bedroom 1 PK color
         value_template: >
           {% set min = 18 | float %}
           {% set max = 35 | float %}
           {% set a = state_attr('climate.master_bedroom_1pk', 'current_temperature') | float %}
           {% set b = (max - min) %}
           {% set c = (a - min) %}
           {% set red = ((c * 100) / b) | round(0) %}
           {% set redhexdecimal = (red * 255 / 100) | round(0) %}
           {% set redhex = '%0x' % redhexdecimal %}
           {% set green = (100 - ((c * 100) / b)) | round(0) %}
           {% set greenhexdecimal = (green * 255 / 100) | round(0) %}
           {% set greenhex = '%0x' % greenhexdecimal %}
           {% if a > max %}
           {% elif a < min %}
           {% else %}
             '#{{ redhex }}{{ greenhex }}00'
           {% endif %}

and heres the entity value at developers tools

i’ve tried to change
‘-webkit-text-stroke’: 1px green
‘-webkit-text-stroke’: {{ states.sensor.mb1pkcolor.state }}
but it doesn’t work

any suggestion?
thanks in advance!

Hi, it should be possible with card_mod:

See the section ‘Templates’…

In your case something like this can work:

   - type: state-label
     entity: climate.master_bedroom_1pk
     attribute: current_temperature
     suffix: °C
       style: |
         :host {
           top: 40%;
           left: 82%;
           color: {{ states.sensor.mb1pkcolor.state }};

Please notice, that I used css attribute ‘color’ not ‘-webkit-text-stroke’. For some reason, only ‘color’ worked in my attempts. Sometimes you have to try around a little with card-mod and try different things until it works, but in principle it should work with it.

it works like charm!
several things to note, need to remove the apostrophe between the hex code or it wont works.
thanks mate!