State names are changing

AsI learned the entities i a group definition should be taken from the states in development tools.
I have more NODEMCUs have one DHT22 Sensors. Monitoring my MQTT Broker I see the following

Kuehlschrank/sensor1 {"temperature":"3.90","humidity":"81.90"}
WZ/sensor1 {"WZtemperature1":"23.80","WZhumidity1":"33.20"}

in my configuration.yaml I have
sensor 1:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: “Kuehlschrank/sensor1”
name: Temperatur
unit_of_mesurement: “°C”
value_template: “{{ value_json.temperature | round(1) }}”
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: “Kuehlschrank/sensor1”
name: Luftfeuchtigkeit
unit_of_mesurement: “%”
value_template: "{{ value_json.humidity | round(1) }}
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: “WZ/sensor1”
name: Temperatur
unit_of_mesurement: “°C”
value_template: “{{ value_json.WZtemperature1 | round(1) }}”
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: “WZ/sensor1”
name: Luftfeuchtigkeit
unit_of_mesurement: “%”
value_template: "{{ value_json.WZhumidity1 | round(1) }}

Indents are correct but not correct show in the post
So far so fine, now I buids groups in groups.yaml, state names taken from delopper tools. the sate names are shown as sensor.lutffeuchtigkeit, sensor.luftfeuchtigekeit_2, sensor.temperatur, sensor.temperatur_2.
As I have more sensors than shown above, I also get sensor.temperatur_3 and so on
So in Group Kühlschrank, I have sensor.luftfeuchtigkeit and sensor.temperatur i.e. but after restarting HA the value from sensor.luftfeuchtigeit is not more from Kuehlschrank, but from WZ or another, I modify groups.yaml restart HA and there is an new random change between state name and the sensor the value comes from.

HA is the latest version.

Need help

Please update your post using a code block as indicated in the big blue box above your post.

As for your problem, names of your sensors are identical which means HA adds _1, _2 etc. in random order. Just name the sensors in your configuration.yaml.