AsI learned the entities i a group definition should be taken from the states in development tools.
I have more NODEMCUs have one DHT22 Sensors. Monitoring my MQTT Broker I see the following
Kuehlschrank/sensor1 {"temperature":"3.90","humidity":"81.90"}
WZ/sensor1 {"WZtemperature1":"23.80","WZhumidity1":"33.20"}
in my configuration.yaml I have
sensor 1:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: “Kuehlschrank/sensor1”
name: Temperatur
unit_of_mesurement: “°C”
value_template: “{{ value_json.temperature | round(1) }}”
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: “Kuehlschrank/sensor1”
name: Luftfeuchtigkeit
unit_of_mesurement: “%”
value_template: "{{ value_json.humidity | round(1) }}
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: “WZ/sensor1”
name: Temperatur
unit_of_mesurement: “°C”
value_template: “{{ value_json.WZtemperature1 | round(1) }}”
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: “WZ/sensor1”
name: Luftfeuchtigkeit
unit_of_mesurement: “%”
value_template: "{{ value_json.WZhumidity1 | round(1) }}
Indents are correct but not correct show in the post
So far so fine, now I buids groups in groups.yaml, state names taken from delopper tools. the sate names are shown as sensor.lutffeuchtigkeit, sensor.luftfeuchtigekeit_2, sensor.temperatur, sensor.temperatur_2.
As I have more sensors than shown above, I also get sensor.temperatur_3 and so on
So in Group Kühlschrank, I have sensor.luftfeuchtigkeit and sensor.temperatur i.e. but after restarting HA the value from sensor.luftfeuchtigeit is not more from Kuehlschrank, but from WZ or another, I modify groups.yaml restart HA and there is an new random change between state name and the sensor the value comes from.
HA is the latest version.
Need help