šŸ“ State Notifications & Actions

Thanks! Yes, all up and running thanks to your great blueprints! No idea how you are able to build and maintain these mega large blueprints, props!

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@ Blacky Thank you for your blueprint, it makes things a lot easier for me!

Would it be possible to set a ā€œproximityā€ function as a trigger?

If person ā€œAā€ is on the way to ā€œZone Xā€ does the automation start?

Perhaps with adjustable meters beforehand?

Iā€™m currently working with a different blueprint and Iā€™ve got completely confused :-))


I havenā€™t tested it but you would probably use option 9 as the trigger (below X) and then set your value.

Test it out see if it works and maybe let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

iā€™m looking at this one or sensor light add on strictly for smoke detectors. Would either still work if i grouped the smoke detectors? and is there a way in your blueprint to get a notifi on which smoke detector caused the alarm? Iā€™ve noticed there really isnā€™t a dedicated blueprint out there for smoke detectors at all. Yours seems closest.


Use this one to be notified as the Sensor Light Add ON will not notify you.

Donā€™t group them just add them in separate then in the FAQ is shows you how you can be notified on which smoke detector caused the alarm. Click Here

Blacky :smiley:

You sir are a life saver.

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I have scoured through the posts and havenā€™t seen if this blueprint is set to repeat the Start Notify for x times every x seconds. If not that would be a great addition to this blue print. Is there another blueprint that you have that would be an add-on to this one for that purpose?



Currently the blueprint does not have a repeat option. I will put this on the list to look at, thanks for your suggestion.

Blacky :smiley:

New Update 1.6

State Your Trigger: Turn State Changes Into Notifications and Actions! :rocket:

:apple: New Feature For iOS

  • Notification Sound - The Home Assistant app for iOS includes built-in notification sounds, and you can import sounds from your iOS device into the app. Custom sounds can also be added via iTunes or from your cloud storage.

For more information on using sounds in the Home Assistant app, click here.

Maintenance :toolbox:

  • From time to time, Home Assistant updates their YAML standards and coding practices. To align with their roadmap, weā€™ve updated the code accordingly. We will continue to apply these updates across all our blueprints as they are revised.

If you like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button in the top post :+1:

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Blacky :grinning:

Hi! Is there any way to add devices to monitor through a regular expression instead of one by one? thank you!


Currently you have to add them one by one.

Blacky :smiley:

Are there any plans to implement Camera snapshots? I know there are other blueprints, but your one is organised much better. cheers.


Currently no, I leaving it up to the other developers. I am wanting to do something but I need HA to develop the base to allow this idea of mine to come to life. Thatā€™s one good thing about HA they do listen and consider suggestions.

Blacky :smiley:

@Blacky I think thereā€™s a typo at state-notifications-and-actions.yaml Ā· GitHub in EAction 2 and it should just be Action 2?

Also, it would be nice if the FAQs here and at šŸ“¢ Notifications & Announcements could be updated to describe the difference between the two blueprints. It wasnā€™t clear to me until importing both that the real difference is this one supports notification actions, while the other one supports text to speech announcements. Those donā€™t seem like mutually exclusive options which threw me for a minute!

Thanks for sharing both!


That is a typo that made it way in, all fixed just update again, no revision for it just fixed the typo. Thanks for letting us know.

I put it on my list to do. I think it is in the top post with the automation process.

Your welcome hope it helps you.

Blacky :smiley:

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thanks for the great blueprint! Works like a charm and saves so much time!

I try to bake my Guest-Mode Automation right into this blueprint but Iā€™m running into one small issue. I want to turn on an input_boolean as soon as the automation triggers and turn it off for the end trigger. This should be happening independent from user input. Other actions should be performed with the buttons.

I tried enabling the auto-start action 3 without enabling the the button itself. I expected it to perform the action immediately (at least that is how I interpreted the text). It doesnā€™t work, however. Maybe it does it after the time runs up?

Is there any way to define this standard action? If not I just need to stay with another automation, but it would be nice to only use one.

Thanks again, great work!


If you enable the Start Actions Buttons then the Start Actions will wait until you press a button. Once the button is pressed it will run the Start Actions. You then can opt to always run a start action by enabling the auto action. So if you press action 1 and your enabled auto action 2 then 1 & 2 will be fired. If you donā€™t enable auto action 2 then when you press 1, only one will be fired. In the Start Actions Buttons there is a time delay so if you donā€™t press a button it will move on and see if you have any auto action enabled to fire.

If you donā€™t enable the Start Actions Buttons then the Start Actions will fired when triggered if you selected to enable the auto action.

Same apply to the end settings.

So say you would like to fire an action instantly and still have action buttons then you would use the same trigger for start and end. Use the start for your action to run instantly. Use the end for your action buttons and in the trigger just put in a small delay to allow the automation to run and preform the start actions and then trigger the end actions. Only need a few seconds. Now your action it done instantly and then you can have action buttons to do something else. Just think of start and end as first (do this) and second (do this).

Blacky :smiley:

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Would it be possible to add watchdog options similar to you appliance blueprint?
My use case would be for my garage door. I want to be notified when it opens and closes, but would also like to be notified and/or perform an action if the garage door has been left open for an extended period of time


This blueprint does not work like that. If you would like that then just add another automation and use the trigger time delay. Then when to door is open for X (time delay) you will get a notification.

Blacky :smiley:

ok thanks , like my request in your sensor light add-on thread i was just hoping to keep everything contained in 1 automation , but i guess in both my situations require separate automations

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