📱 Notifications & Announcements

Initial release 1.2

:new: Update Input - Time Delay

  • Time Delay - Added option to select hours, minutes and seconds to give more options in your time delay.

    :warning: If you previously used the time delay and you update to this new version you will need to re select your time delay.

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Blacky :grinning:



Hi John,

Have a look at :round_pushpin: State Notifications & Actions Blueprint. It includes “Start” and “End” states with action buttons and associated actions. “Start” for when the garage is open and “End” for when the garage is closed.

I’m planning to add a recurring message option to keep reminding you until the task is done, though I don’t have a timeline for that feature yet.

That said, this blueprint should still be useful for your needs.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hi, i’m using HAOS and i followed your instructions and even restarted Home Assistant after installing Piper (which is started), but i can’t select it in the “Text-to-Speech Service Provider” field. Did i miss anything ?


Once you installed piper go into the add on and the documentation page tab at the top. You will see the below
 there you will have to install Wyoming
 it should be auto discovered in settings > device & services

Blacky :smiley:

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Is there a way to have the notification tell you which sensor ran the automation? I am setting this up for smoke and water sensors.


It would be the same way as the state blueprint. I have also replied to you over on that topic. Click Here

Blacky :smiley:

Hi Blacky,

Thank you once again for your outstanding blueprints!

I have a question regarding a wishlist entry: Is there already a way to repeat notifications until the original state is restored? I’d like to use this feature for doors when airing rooms. For example, after the door has been open for 10 minutes, I’d like to receive push notifications every X minutes until it is closed.

Thanks again!


Thanks for your suggestion. Yes this will be added to this blueprint
 I have added it to another one of my blueprints and I just need time to add this feature to this one.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hi Blacky! Just got a reolink doorbell, and found your blueprint - perfect! :slight_smile:

One request, the TTS integrations don’t seem to work with Alexa. Is there a way to use the “notify” action or incorporate this into the blueprint? thanks!


I will put this on the list to add to this blueprint.

Blacky :smiley:

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Oh la la
 Un grand merci pour cette automatisation
 simple Ă  mettre en oeuvre pour des novices comme moi
 une chance que je sois tombĂ©e sur votre post
 je cherche depuis plusieurs semaines Ă  obtenir ce genre d’alerte d’état ! et lĂ , il y a tout ce dont j’ai besoin ! (ios et google mĂȘme si son français est trĂšs moyen pour le coup) lol


Bienvenue dans la communauté

Vous ĂȘtes les bienvenus et je suis heureux que cela vous plaise. Merci pour vos aimables paroles.


Welcome to the community

You are very welcome and I glad you like it. Thanks for your kind words.

Blacky :smiley:

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J’adore toujours autant votre automatisme
 qui m’a permis de crĂ©er un bouton virtuel pour signaler Ă  la tribu de venir dans la cuisine ! :slight_smile: mais trop trop bien ! j’adore !

Juste une petite question, peut-ĂȘtre hors sujet, j’ai un portail Ă©lectrique qui se commande bien sĂ»r, aussi avec une tĂ©lĂ©commande physique.

Est-il possible de recevoir une alerte lorsqu’il est activĂ© par cette tĂ©lĂ©commande et non pas par l’application HA ? c’est peut ĂȘtre tout bĂȘte
 mais comme je le disais, je dĂ©couvre tout doucement cette usine Ă  gaz qu’est Home assistant

Merci par avance pour une réponse apportée
 et bonne journée/nuit à vous
selon le fuseau horaire

Greetings flo,

Please read the FAQ before posting. This is an English only forum.

Veuillez lire la FAQ avant de poster. Ce forum est uniquement en anglais.

How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.

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I use it to call everyone when it is dinner time to, it was the main reason I developed this blueprint and I love it too. Tip: Make sure you set this time restriction so when you accidentally press it to call everyone at 1am in the morning you don’t wake everyone up :wink:

In order to receive an alert from the remote control, Home Assistant (HA) must be able to detect when the remote is pressed. This event then acts as the trigger for an automation, which can send you an alert or notification using the blueprint.

In French

Je l’utilise pour appeler tout le monde Ă  l’heure du dĂźner, c’est la principale raison pour laquelle j’ai dĂ©veloppĂ© ce plan et je l’aime aussi. Astuce : assurez-vous de dĂ©finir cette limite de temps afin que lorsque vous appuyez accidentellement dessus pour appeler tout le monde Ă  1 heure du matin, vous ne rĂ©veilliez pas tout le monde :wink:

Afin de recevoir une alerte de la tĂ©lĂ©commande, Home Assistant (HA) doit ĂȘtre capable de dĂ©tecter le moment oĂč la tĂ©lĂ©commande est enfoncĂ©e. Cet Ă©vĂ©nement agit ensuite comme dĂ©clencheur d’une automatisation, qui peut vous envoyer une alerte ou une notification Ă  l’aide du plan.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Thank you for the Information!

To which one? Maybe I could use the other blueprint in the meantime.

{{ states[trigger.entity_id].attributes.friendly_name }}
if i use this code a cant get notifications

Do i need to change it according names of entity_id?


I added it to the below blueprint but it is different than this one. It will be added but I am really busy at the moment. In about a week work will calm down again and I will get back to normal.

:vibration_mode: Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC

Blacky :smiley:


Welcome to the community.

No it should work. Could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

Blacky :smiley:

Dear Craig
thanks for warm welcome.

alias: Water leak
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/notifications-and-announcements.yaml
      - binary_sensor.water_leak_vanna_water_leak
      - binary_sensor.water_leak_kuhnea_water_leak
      - b7e71979213cdfef9124f541a103fdbc
    include_notify: enable_mobile_app_notify
notify_title: 📱 Water leak detected
notify_message: Shut off taps urgently🙂
      - high_priority
      - sticky
    global_conditions: []
    include_persistent_notification: enable_persistent_notification
    persistent_message: Shut off the taps urgently🙂
    persistent_title: 📱 Water leak detected

i want to receive notifications with trigger.entity_id.

also i get problem if Z2m restarts or reconnect to waterleak detectors i receive notifications so i cant use them to prevent waterleaks due to false positives.
If i install water switch-off valve when reconnecting z2m i will get false positives