State of app device is wrong?

The latitude and longitude from the device entity are the same as the entity tracked with icloud, but the state is ‘Away’ while the one tracked tracked with icloud is ‘Home’

Tough to say which is right and which is wrong. The location tracker in the iOS app uses significant location changes. You need to move almost half a mile usually before it registers a change.

Specifically for your home location, we use a radius of 5000 meters. Might be a bit too high, will take it down to 1000.

It’s the entity from the iOS app that is wrong, I’m in my home right now. What I think is weird is that the latitude and longitude are the same.

Ahhh, didn’t get that. Okay, so my guess is that the GPS accuracy that we are getting from the device and gets passed to HA may be really high for some reason. Will look into it more later.

Device tracked by the app:

Device tracked by icloud:

Gotta look more at the HA code, but I wonder if there’s a number somewhere that says if GPS accuracy is over X then say not_home.

I don’t think so, the only component that has this is in the owntracks device tracker